
No. 图书馆和校园周围的许多计算机实验室都有打印机. 欲知详情,请浏览 打印服务 网站.

Is cable TV available in the residence halls?

的re is cable TV available in the TV 休息室s of the residence halls. 学生宿舍的学生房间不提供有线电视. 看到 入住条件 有关有线电视的更多信息.


We encourage you to decorate your room so that your room feels like your home. 请不要使用钉子、大头针或胶带. To avoid damage to the walls and woodwork in your room, use the removable adhesive poster strips that are available in stores.

请参阅 学生储存指引 在将个人床垫、蒲团、沙发椅等物品带入校园之前. as furniture is not permitted in on-campus storage facilities.


GG电子官方软件下载的大厅和房屋在夏季被暑期项目的参与者占用. 我们很抱歉,但你需要和你的同学一起等待,直到宿舍正式开放. 你可以浏览 住宅楼页面 which have floor plans, photos, and more inFormation about each location.


住宿生活部的工作人员在7月中旬完成新学生的住宿分配. 等所有新生都住好了, 住宿生活部将通过网站发送电子邮件,新学生可以在网站上找到他们的房间分配和名称, address, phone number and e-mail address of their roommate(s). We hope that when you receive your assignment, you will contact your roommate(s) to become acquainted.

每层楼都有浴室吗? 中性卫生间怎么样?

大多数楼层有两个浴室(男浴室和女浴室),但有些楼层有三个或更多. If there are more than two, the third 浴室 may be designated all-gender. Depending on the building and the types of 浴室s in that space, 浴室s may be gendered and/or gender-neutral. Most 浴室s have showers and a few also have bathtubs. 有私人浴室的房间的住客有责任保持浴室清洁.

Are there 厨房s and 休息室s on each floor? 他们有什么装备?

的re is a 厨房 and 休息室 area on most floors. 的 厨房s have a sink, stove/oven, microwave, and refrigerator. 学生 who use the facilities are expected to clean the 厨房.

What type of cleaning is provided in the residence halls and houses?

宿舍的公共区域(休息室), 走廊, 厨房s and 浴室s) are cleaned daily (Monday through Friday). 私人区域(公寓), 私人浴室, 相邻的浴室, 公共区域(私人房间)是房间的居民的责任. 只在冬天, 春假和暑假期间,管理员将对宿舍内的私人浴室和相邻浴室进行彻底的清洁, 厨房s and main living areas in the apartments. 保管处提供真空吸尘器和其他基本清洁用品供学生使用. 如果提供有限的清洁, Custodial staff clean the public areas of the houses on a bi-weekly, 每周或每天. Residents of the houses are responsible For keeping the houses clean. 有关清洁的问题或担忧可提交给维护和保管办公室507-222-4133.

我把钥匙丢了。. 我该怎么办??

如果你丢了房间钥匙或房间钥匙, 居住生活可以在周一至周五上午8:30至下午4:30到Sevy G10办公室For您发放临时钥匙. 临时密钥最多可以使用3天,让您有时间寻找密钥。.

If you lose your key after regular business hours, 联系你的RA, 另一个拉, or Security Services who can let you into your room. 参观 住宅生活 office the next business day to get a temporary key.

如果你在三天后还没有找到你的房间或/或房子的钥匙,一个新的锁放在你的门上. A room lock replacement will be billed to your student account at a cost of $40. A house exterior replacement will be billed to your student account $100. 你和你的室友或室友将获得新钥匙,并需要归还旧钥匙.

我的信用卡丢了. 我该怎么办??

参观 收费 请示.

How are fees assessed For room or floor damages at the end of the year?

住宿生活工作人员和设施工作人员在年底检查大厅和房屋的所有公共和私人房间和浴室,以确定是否有任何损坏. All residents of a floor/house will be charged For cleaning, damages or missing furnishings in common areas. 宿舍/宿舍/公寓的清洁费用最低For每位居民5美元, repair or replacement of furnishings in a common area.

房间/房子/公寓的所有居住者在搬出时都有同等责任将房间恢复到入住状态(移除所有个人物品), 清除垃圾, 并彻底清洁和真空的房间, 浴室, 厨房, 休息室, 等.). 所有住客对清洁或维修产生的任何费用承担同等责任,房间/房屋公寓的每位住客对过度清洁的最低收费For25美元.

收费可以通过填写 房屋损坏上诉表格.

I have additional questions about residential policies, problems, 等. 我可以向谁寻求答案?

住宿生活人员 oversee the residential facilities at GG电子官方软件下载. 区域主任和住宿助理是学生在住宿环境中的第一线支持.


你当然可以招待客人! 在邀请或招待客人时, please be considerate of your roommate(s) and members of the community. Visitors are expected to follow the same expectations as residents. 我们建议室友从客人的角度讨论各自房间的指导方针, 活动, 和隐私. As with anything in this communal environment, 研究, 休息, 和隐私 take precedence over visitation, 客人, 和娱乐. Guests are not allowed to stay For more than three nights in a row. Learn more about the guest policy by visiting the Student Handbook: Guests in Residential Spaces.

Rollaway beds can be requested from Custodial Services by completing the 折叠床申请表.

房间里有什么家具啊? 我应该带些什么呢?

All rooms are furnished with a bunkable bedframe, 80英寸(超长)双人床垫, 桌子上, 办公椅, 衣橱或壁橱, 垃圾桶, 回收站, 镜子, 顶灯. Please note that personal lofts are not permitted. 欢迎您携带额外的物品来个性化您的房间:一把舒适的小椅子, 台灯, 等. If you choose to bring a lamp, avoid halogens. To protect and maintain the furniture For future residents, all room furniture must be kept in the room, and all 休息室 furniture must be kept in the 休息室s.

学生 must provide their own linens which may be ordered from our partnered 亚麻公司. 超长的双码亚麻布也可以在大多数大型百货商店买到. Our student staff have developed a listing of 有用的物品 带进校园. We encourage you to coordinate with your roommate to avoid duplicates.

的re is a mixture of carpeted and non-carpeted rooms.


虽然住房冻结听起来像是明尼苏达州寒冷的月份, it actually occurs during the first and last two weeks of each term. During the 住房 Freeze no room changes can occur. 冻结的目的是让你有时间适应你的房间,并了解你的室友。, to respect academic efForts at busy times of the term, 并让住宿生活部的工作人员有时间评估本学期的入住率.

How are first year student room assignments determined?

Remember that Roommate Preference Questionnaire you completed? 住宿生活工作人员阅读每一份室友偏好问卷,并根据对表格上问题的回答来匹配学生. 的y take into consideration your habits and patterns. 学生们根据室友关系中容易引起冲突的主要问题(房间清洁)进行分类, 房间内的噪音/活动水平, 以及就寝时间). Once students are put into those broad categories, 我们会查看他们的学术和课外兴趣,以及他们分享的其他个人信息. We work to put students together who have some overlapping inte休息s, 但他们不是完全相同的配对. 我们相信,在住宿学院学习的一部分是与与你不同的人见面和生活. 因For这种哲学, we strive to not place people from the same state or schools in the same rooms. 兄弟姐妹不会作For室友被安排在一起,我们也尽量不让兄弟姐妹住在同一栋楼里. We typically don't honor roommate or specific dorm requests either. We also don't place athletes from the same team together as roommates. 我们相信我们所有的社区都是生活的好地方,每个学生都会在他们被分配到的生活环境中有一个充实的经历.

七月中旬, 你会收到一封来自你的班级主任的电子邮件,上面有网站地址,你可以在那里找到你的房间分配和室友。. 在GG电子官方软件下载的第一年之后, 您将能够通过每年春天发生的住房选择过程选择自己的房间和室友. 如果在一年中由于某种原因, you would like to petition For a room assignment change, 和你的区域主管谈谈.

Where can I return my room key and/or house key?

When you are moving off campus or to a different room on campus, 请将您的房间钥匙(和房间钥匙,如果适用的话)归还到这些快速结帐箱的任何位置.

  • 艾伦之家,客厅墙
  • 布鲁克斯大厦100号公寓
  • 伯顿大厅,正门
  • 卡萨特大厅,西北入口
  • 科尔威尔大厦100号公寓
  • 戴维斯大厅,南门
  • 欧格斯特大厦300号公寓
  • 埃文斯大厅,正门前厅
  • 教职工俱乐部,靠近门,标着721
  • 古德休大厅,AD公寓158对面
  • 亨廷顿大厦正门
  • 詹姆斯·霍尔,东北入口
  • Musser大厅,正门
  • Myers Hall, to the right of the 108 apartment
  • 护士大厅,在主休息室外面
  • 堂区大厦大堂
  • 米屋,正门
  • Severance Hall, across from the elevator on 2nd floor
  • 华生大厅,正门.



Some rooms on campus are equipped with loft kits. 的se are spaces that warrant them due to space 休息rictions. We are unable to distribute additional loft kits. You are able to bunk beds using pins provided.


GG电子官方软件下载已经集中 邮件服务 位于塞尔斯山. InFormation about sending/receiving mail and packages can be found at 邮件服务.


GG电子官方软件下载 College uses bunkable beds with an 80英寸(超长)双人床垫. Most of our mattress dimensions are: 36"x80"x8". 当学生到达时, 这些床不会加铺位, they will be positioned at about 19" above the floor. 如果学生想上下铺床,别针就放在梳妆台最上面的抽屉里. 如果房间里没有别针,楼里的管理人员可能会有一些别针.